5 Penny Pinching Ways To Decorate A Party

If you’ve ever had to plan a party while stationed overseas, then you know how hard it can be to find what you need, and especially finding it at a reasonable price. While these tips are catered towards those of you living overseas, you can definitely apply them for stateside as well.

Living overseas does not come cheap. Food is usually the largest part of my party budget and decorations get the smallest part. I’m sharing a few easy ways to stick to a budget when planning your event.

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Shop at Dollar Stores

Dollar stores and other discounters can be your best friend when it comes to cheap party decor. Don’t splurge on tableware. It’s a waste to spend $5 on a set of themed paper plates that are just going to get thrown away. Instead, look for low price plates in a coordinating color. My favorite spot to find party decor in Okinawa was Daiso (or other 100yen stores), and here in Germany, it’s Tedi. You can find cute decor at Nanu Nanu that doesn’t break the bank too! I would bring up Target, but after 8 years overseas, I’ll just cry.

Use Digital Invitations

Facebook Events and email are my favorite ways to get the word out about parties. Printing invitations can get pricey quickly! You can get a cute printable invitation and send it to everyone you want there, without having to waste the money on stamps and envelopes.

Invest in a “Real” Tablecloth

It may seem like more money at first, a nice tablecloth that can be washed will come in handy more often than a plastic one. Also, those plastic tablecloths are so expensive! Especially the ones with your kids’ favorite characters all over them. Over the years I’ve purchased neutral tablecloths that can be washed and reused at all of the birthdays, baby showers, and holiday parties you can imagine. The next time you see one on sale, grab it and stash it away for your next event.

Reuse Your Banners

If you read my last Tips & Tricks post, you know how much I despise banners. I made it a must early on to save my banners and reuse them as often as possible. You can usually find cute, solid color banners at party stores that can be reused year after year. I also love borrowing banners from friends. If buying printable banners, avoid getting ones that include the birthday age, that way they can be used again. Better for the environment and your wallet!

Use What You Have

You would be amazed at how many items in your house can become party decor. For all of my kids’ parties, I end up finding random toys and items that match the theme. Pyrex dishes become my partyware. That nautical decor in the bathroom easily matches a baby shower theme.

If you are just starting out on your event planning adventure, I suggest looking for plain white dishes whenever you see them on sale! Over the years I’ve put together a great collection of various white plates and bowls that didn’t break the bank and can be used for every single event.

What’s your favorite way to save money on your parties?

Share with us, and we’ll put our favorites up over on the gram!

5 Penny Pinching Ways To Decorate A Party - Merry-Grace.com